ALPORA Innovation Europe

Performance YTD 5.4% (as of 16 May 2024)
Fund size EUR 132.2 Mio.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The equity fund invests in Western European listed companies with above-average innovation efficiency. The fund invests across all sectors, with the exception of «utilities» and «financials». The investment process consists of a two-step procedure. As a first step, the innovation efficiency of the companies within the investment universe is measured and compared using a scientifically based quantitative method. In the subsequent step, the portfolio is constructed by selecting around 30 stocks based on our own proprietary fundamental analysis.

Facts & Figures Current monthly report (PDF) Current monthly report (PDF)

Portfolio Management

Patrick Hofer

Investment Manager
Serafin Innovation Hub / Quality Swiss Equities
+41 (41) 726 71 76

Portfolio Management

Patrick Hofer

Investment Manager
Serafin Innovation Hub / Quality Swiss Equities

Serafin Innovation Hub

Dr. Julian Kauffeldt

Head of Innovation Investment Products
Serafin Innovation Hub

Dr. Niklas Bayrle

Investment Manager
Serafin Innovation Hub
+41 (41) 726 71 71

Serafin Innovation Hub

Dr. Julian Kauffeldt

Head of Innovation Investment Products
Serafin Innovation Hub

Dr. Niklas Bayrle

Investment Manager
Serafin Innovation Hub

Learn more about the ESG fund classification

Sustainability / ESG

Brief profile:
ALPORA Innovation Europe

Invest in European innovation champions and rely on profitable innovation leaders!

Quality Innovation:
A compelling opportunity

Leveraging insights from the ALPORA Innovation Europe fund, we identify a noteworthy trend: Europe's innovation equities appear undervalued, reflecting a gap between market valuations and underlying fundamentals.

For additional insights, please watch our video update.




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Facts & Figures
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Monthly comment

Comment April 2024

The ALPORA Innovation Europe Fund was unable to escape the correction in the European equity markets triggered by profit-taking in the technology sector. However, it closed the month of April slightly better than the comparable MSCI Europe ETF.
Fugro N.V. is the world's leading geodata specialist and provides geophysical and geotechnical subsurface exploration and resource exploration services. Its customers include companies in the oil and gas industry, the energy and construction sectors, and environmental technology. The innovation pipeline focuses on the use of robotics and remote-controlled technologies in the collection of geodata. This reduces the risk to personnel and reduces the environmental footprint of operations. Advances in analytics and machine learning optimize the quality of the data collected. By using digital data platforms, this data can be used more effectively by customers, which speeds up the decision-making process for projects. Fugro is strongly committed to the environment and tackling the scarcity of resources, and its services make a decisive contribution to the energy transition.


ESG implementation:

We take ESG aspects into account in the financial analysis and investment decision-making process, applying a combination of exclusion criteria and ESG integration approach in the investment process. The abbreviation ESG stands for "Environmental - Social - Governance".

For the analysis within the sustainability approach, we rely on data from selected third-party providers and, if necessary, on our own analyses. The analysts and portfolio management teams are responsible for both the financial analysis and the ESG analysis. In this way, we ensure that the assessment and implementation are carried out on a recurring basis by the decision-makers in the respective fund as part of a comprehensive and integrated investment process.

In our investment process, we do not per se exclude investments in companies with weaker ESG ratings: Companies that address the issue of sustainability convincingly and consistently can be interesting portfolio companies.

Latest ESG reporting:

  • Classification with regard to U.N. Global Compact Ten Principles:
    All portfolio companies in the fund comply with the U.N. Global Compact Ten Principles.
  • Current portfolio structure using the ESG Risk Rating (by Sustainalytics):

The above fund is a financial product within the meaning of Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Disclosure Regulation).

For more information on the fulfillment of environmental and/or social characteristics, please refer to the fund prospectus.

Pre-contractual information on Article 8 Funds
Sustainability-related disclosures
Brief profile
Domicile of fund Switzerland
Legal form Contractual investment fund
Investment universe Europe
Investment manager Serafin Asset Management Ltd, Zug
Management company LLB Swiss Investment Ltd, Zurich
Custodian bank Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd, Basel
Launch date 01.10.2014
Recommended investment horizon 5 years
Reference currency EUR
ISIN / Bloomberg-Ticker (respective share class) EUR A: CH0248877885 / ALPIEUR SW
EUR B: CH0436491234 / ALPIEUB SW
CHF-hedged: CH0302271066 / ALPICHF SW
Distributions accumulating
Subscription and redemption daily (cut-off 09.00 CET)
Tax transparency CH, AT
Tax status Germany Equity fund pursuant to InvStG with
partial exemption
UK Tax Reporting Status Tranche EUR A
Registered for public distribution CH, DE; SGP (acccr. investors only)


Subscription and redemption fee none
Management fee p.a. Tranche EUR A: 1.00%
Tranche EUR B: 1.50%
Tranche CHF-hedged: 1.00%
MiFID fee for third party research p.a. 0.04%
Total expense ratio p.a. (per 31.12.2023; TER) Tranche EUR A: 1.26%
Tranche EUR B: 1.75%
Tranche CHF-hedged: 1.26%
Performance overview and key figures
Duration Fund MSCI Europe ETF
1 month 2.7% 4.1%
3 months 8.0% 7.5%
12 months 8.8% 18.6%
3 years p.a. 0.9% 9.1%
5 years p.a. 10.2% 10.1%
since inception p.a. 11.9% 7.4%
2024 5.4% 11.1%
2023 8.6% 15.7%
2022 -23.3% -9.1%
2021 31.4% 24.9%
2020 20.0% -3.2%
since inception 195.3% 98.3%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Risk ratios (rolling over the last 3 years)

Volatility (p.a.) 18.3%
Sharpe ratio (1.45% Risk free rate) 0.08
Beta (vs. MSCI Europe ETF) 1.19
Rolling performance last 5 years

The gross performance takes into account the costs incurred at fund level (e.g. management fee) without including the costs incurred at investor level (e.g. front-end load and custody fees). The net performance also takes into account an initial sales charge of 0.00% in the first period under review.

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